Sunday, November 23, 2014

Writing Month November 2014 Ending!


I may or may not write some more later on, but for now I'll be done for a little while. I mean I'm not going to lie Writing Month November was kind of fun with all the mixes of Dota and stuffs. With all those updates and tournaments, I got my fair share of inspiration going on for the game.

That said, I will always love writing, but it can get really sicken for myself since I get too much into it. I could probably put less emotions into it, but that way it seems pointless and meaningless like a game of Dota without any supports. If anything, it was entertaining regardless.

I think it's fine if I leave it at once a year with Writing Month November. Writing makes me relax, but it can also makes you remember stuffs that I prefer to remain forgotten. All things considered, it's not all that bad and everything happens for a reason. With that, always move forward!

"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know."

Thanks for tuning-in.
See you next year!
Au revoir :)

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