Sunday, November 23, 2014

Writing Month November 2014 Ending!


I may or may not write some more later on, but for now I'll be done for a little while. I mean I'm not going to lie Writing Month November was kind of fun with all the mixes of Dota and stuffs. With all those updates and tournaments, I got my fair share of inspiration going on for the game.

That said, I will always love writing, but it can get really sicken for myself since I get too much into it. I could probably put less emotions into it, but that way it seems pointless and meaningless like a game of Dota without any supports. If anything, it was entertaining regardless.

I think it's fine if I leave it at once a year with Writing Month November. Writing makes me relax, but it can also makes you remember stuffs that I prefer to remain forgotten. All things considered, it's not all that bad and everything happens for a reason. With that, always move forward!

"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know."

Thanks for tuning-in.
See you next year!
Au revoir :)

50 Shades of Night Stalker

The night that is belong to you
You can do anything out of the blue
With the help of an Aghanim's Scepter
To make your eternal hunt even better

To move so fast into the night
Nothing will dare to resist your might
And this way you can win any fight
With your vision into any sight

Your ganking potential goes beyond anything
Within the night that is your everything
Destroying whatever you want to gain
With the lost cost of any remaining pain

In the end the night belong to you
Anything you see is only true
You are a magnificent creature of the night
That does the work through out any light

50 Shades of Lighting

When everything is decided in a flash
You gain quite the results with all that cash
But let's be real with all that lighting
In the end who is really fighting

All this magic can be negate by the BKB
Denying any signs of killing spree
It doesn't mean that it is all over
As long as you are ready whenever

A flashback of lighting through the past
Makes you think if it would really last
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
The heart grow with pain, but thicker

The power to be everywhere and no where
Makes you elusive just like thin air
For some strong lighting heroes
They sure know how to control their flows

50 Shades of Pain

The pain that will never end
Within time that will not be spend
The draft of a line-up for victory
Yet there was only some misery

The pain can sometimes be pleasure
As long as one have good measure
To find a reason to not lose your way
In a pool of heroes that change by the day

The pain of a long losing streak
One that seems without any break
But thankfully nothing last forever
Which why you need to be clever

The pain of a trust that is lost
That even time don't know the cost
And as fun as we once were
Anything that goes beyond sounds like a blur

The pain will be ease with the passage of time
As a memory of an unforgettable crime
But in the end everything will be alright
Since there is an early gem that will clear our sight

Friday, November 21, 2014

50 Shades of Luck

Turning the tide of the fight with some luck
Giving your all like there is no fuck
A single blow to determine your destiny
In the middle of a peaceful melody

The more you try to force your chances
It is futile as it will only be a lonely dance
But in the end the luck will always prevail
To grant an easy victory without fail

It is all about the RNG
To simply win for free
One still need to keep it real
To ensure the luck with the right feel

Everything can and will be random
The past was just a dream and a simple phantom
Even through out all the luck, we are now enemies
Stay where you belong... In my memories

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

50 Shades of Templar Assassin

Her mystery remains her power
That lies beyond any flower
The traps that help her see the darkness
That will cause even more madness

Lenaya will always have the plan
To reduce her enemies's life span
Her psyblades that cut through your soul
Will only be the bane of your role

She is protected from any action
With her will and her refraction
But she will easily fight back
To get to the bottom of this attack

As much as she is concerned
Everything on her passage will be burn
She will on moving around
Until she can reach her goal without bound

Friday, November 14, 2014

50 Shades of Changes

One day, somebody told me that change
Only happen if you let it change
But sometimes the ending is inevitable
Which makes some fights unforgettable

Some games contain quite a lot of late game stuffs
Yet increasing everything that is more and more rough
You got to live regardless of your own decision
All depending of what you see in your vision

This time, the little games were finally over
Nothing changes since we are gone forever
I will always miss playing with the Queen
Sadly the time was up, it was time to leave the scene

The Games, the Teamwork and the Trust
Will always remains good memories into the dust
But there is no need to drown in sadness
When you look forward there is only happiness

Thursday, November 13, 2014

50 Shades of Divine Rapier

The Divine Rapier is my weapon of the day
If I feel like living on the edge and be cray
But in desperate times, it is quite amusing
Since after all you may end up winning 

Better fight like a warrior 
Then living life around the corner
I may or may not do it just for thrill
But we are all good as long as do the kill

I mean don't try to get it
You might end up losing it
And losing the Divine can be the pain
Which makes everyone quite insane

Never forget to buy a victory Rapier 
To obtain a win a little bit quicker
Literally the best investment of your life
Since that fancy sword is qiite nice

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

50 Shades of Dual Gank

Easily one of my special treats
Since it will never cease to be obsolete
And again it is so simple to do
Which makes it fun for the view

Every dual gank can be quite easy
As long as one can remain feisty
But in the end, only victory remains
One that is free and without pain

Failure can always be an option
But anything can change with an action
A dual team that make their own choices
To win anything with the exchanges of their voices

The feel to succeed this with someone
There is nothing like it, nothing as fun
I mean I know nothing last forever
But I always look for next time, so it's whatever

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

50 Shades of Carl

A magic artist by day and an Invoker by night
This man knows that he is always right
Unlike the Skywrath Mage, he is quite a cool guy
One that speak the truth and cannot really lie

That said, he does have those energy balls
The kind that change colors and answer his calls
To give access to some interesting spells
To help him in his quest to survive this hell

He can choose to be a ghost and be fast
In which he can set up many things with a simple blast
But there always more secrets to discover
Depending on the situation that makes him clever

In the end, the Invoker is an interesting character
And he will uses his magic on whoever
If he doesn't feel like fighting on his own
He will simply summon his minions without moving a bone

Monday, November 10, 2014

50 Shades of Skywrath Mage

One would think a mage don't talk that much
I guess he is the exception as such
But man does he knows how to cast spells
A variety that no one could tell

He sure knows how to spread his hate
No wonder that he is never late
One could say he is a bit too strong
And it may or may not be wrong

Most of his catchphrases on relatively long
But I guess as we play we will just tag along
Hoping that the game will be fast
So we can put him back in the past

In the end we can get enough of that Mystic Flare
Since every time it is simply unfair
That said, we would do anything to go for the win
Even if it means committing a dreadful sin

Sunday, November 9, 2014

50 Shades of Puck

I mean you know it's all about the Puck
You need to be good, no need for luck
A little faerie dragon to protect the mid lane
To keep your teammate from going insane

As the puck, you are literally a magician
Blinking around like a child on a mission
Like that FATA- guy that makes it looks so easy
But it turned out been so hard and dreamy.

That dream coil that keep people together
So you can kill them like whatever
You choose as you please with a Dagon
Or go with a combo for some extra fun

All things said and consider
He is quite flashy and bitter
You got to love the sweet of his presence
Since he can bring a good essence

Saturday, November 8, 2014

50 Shades of Invisibility

Invisibility can make you invincible
But can also be very terrible
With a little bit of true sight
To give you the edge of pain on a rusty fight

At one point you'll have to fight the invisible
And it might become unbearable
But if one feel confident to make a play
A 10 minutes gem can go a long way

Victory can be obtain pretty easily
Against all that thick invisibility
Defeat can be tasteless
If one is simple careless

So always bet on some extra vision
To win a losing game with precision
That said, some people may never learn
Which put any victory on quite a concern

Friday, November 7, 2014

50 Shades of Offlaner

The offlane, the place where you go to die
And you can hardly escape even when you try
But some deaths can create some space
That will end up helping your team control the pace

We could say that it's okay to feed
As long as your team can take the lead
Where you can become the distraction
So the advantage from afar with your action

Neither to say it can be nerve-racking
But you get the hang of it with a few swings
In which I mean you may feed
That in the end you might need

The guilty pleasure to let yourself go
With the looks of your enemy that lies below
Regardless you can easily come up on top
If your team is farmed and can no longer be stop

50 Shades of Carry

The role that can be quite demanding
But if well played will be rewarding
To control the chaos over an ancient
That need your attention at any moment

You farm as much as possible
To be able to obtain the inevitable
Which is a well deserved victory
That you may or may not enjoy in theory

Becoming stronger every second to live to protect
The supports that helped you survive with their Mek
They gave your the vision to feel free
In this war that want to take your life for killing spree

Finally you will fulfilled to be the carry
As a warrior you won't even need a BKB
You will have the guts to go with the Rapier
Which will a thrower or the savior

50 Shades of Ancient Apparition

The ice creature with the cold feet
Freezing your true self when you meet
He will never be merciful
In the face of the joyful

Creating multiple ice vortex for a feel
To slow your heart into a simple kill
And that feel will grow even stronger
The longer you stay around his corner

A chilling touch that is remarkable
Which a few instances can be likeable
But in the end hides the true power
That melt your soul into water

Finally his ice blast will end your pain
Since you fight to be liberate of those chains
If you life is sufficient enough
Maybe you'll live, but it will be tough

50 Shades of Trench Tier

First of all we are winning
Then within an instant we keep on losing
At the end of the day we are in doubt
That there will be no way out

Some days can be harder than others
But we don't really need to bother
Since this is just the name of the game
Where we are trying to get some MMR fame

We will keep on fighting regardless
Even if it's means becoming soulless
But even with all the pain and suffering
The pleasure of victory remains a blessing

The meta always keep on changing
Keeping the Trench Tier slighting refreshing
But everybody do their best to escape as well
Only you can yourself from this hell

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

50 Shades of Ursa

A fearless bear with nothing to lose
Yet with everything to be amuse
His claws defining his overwhelming power
With fury swipes that increase by the hour

With hopes and dreams of tranquillity
The Ursa Warrior will seek through out obscurity
And buy the Vladmir's Offering with his brutality
To obtain what is his, the Aegis of Immortality

To be able to achieve greater goals
He will blink to his fate with more controls
Killing everything on his path of victory
Without looking back on his history

Moving forward into the breeze
He will be save by a special kind of cheese
Giving him the edge on this never ending war
That will free him of this madness that will be no more